How Much Does Morgan Horse Cost?

Knowing the cost of a Morgan Horse might seem a little bit difficult because there aren’t many resources out of there that go into detail about all the cost-related. But here at HowmuchdoesCost, we do considerable work providing you the best information possible related to the cost of purchasing and owning a Morgan Horse.

How much does a Morgan Horse Cost?

The purchasing cost for A Morgan Horse ranges from $1,000 to somewhere around $5,000; however, most Morgan Horse are sold between $2,000 and $3,500. Many variables determine the cost of a Morgan Horse, such as the age, weight, and location where you will purchase it.

As you can notice, the Morgan Horse cost is cheaper than the Arabian horse cost, where you will have to spend a lot more money.

If you are still interested in knowing more about all the costs of these fantastic horse Breeds, keep reading here.

What affects the cost of a Morgan Horse?


As for other types of horses, determining the price of buying or selling a horse is not easy. Many factors influence the total cost, such as training, temperament, location, color, markings, and registrations.

Anyway, the most important factor that influxes the cost of the Morgan horse is the height, sex, and training.

There is some level of training that you must take into consideration when you purchase a horse. In particular, the level of training for a horse is broken down into five different categories:

  • Unbroken
  • Green
  • Well trained
  • Professionally trained
  • Show experience

When you are going to purchase a Morgan horse, discover that the horse is unbroken, you have to know that means that the horse has not been worked and be trained for basic things like brushing.

The green level means that the horse has started learning the basic commands as walking, trot.

A well-trained means that the horse is trained in the specific for reaching a good level of discipline.

Professionally trained is when the Morgan horse has been trained exclusively by hiring a professional trainer, and this is usually the most expensive category.

While show experience means that the horse has competed at a horse show

Morgan horse Description

The Morgan horse is one of the first breeds of horse developed in the USA. The Morgan horse is smaller than many other horses; on average, it reaches 56 inches to 60 inches, with an average weight of 900 to 1000 pounds.

The Morgan horse is largely used for any purpose, as athletic and not. The color of the Morgan horse is usually dark; colors like black are most common.

Maintenance cost For a Morgan Horse

The maintenance cost for a Morgan horse will not be different from the others horse’s breeds because they need the same love and care to grow healthy and in the best shape possible.

The only variable that will impact heavily on the cost you will spend regarding the maintenance is the training cost.

Here all depends upon what are your exigency and what you want to do with your Morgan horse.

In the following part of the article, we will look at the general cost that every horse owner should consider if they decide to purchase it.

Feeding cost

As we saw before during the general description of the Morgan horse, they can reach a weight between 900 to 1000 pounds.

This means that feeding the Morgan horse with hay will cost on average $100 to $250 per month. 

The main variable here is depending on the price of the hay. During some period of the year, you may pay less or more the hay. 

The cost of hay ranges between $4 to $18 for a 50- 150 pound of the bale.

Water cost

Water is an essential element that should never miss for any reason. On average, a Morgan Horse needs 6 gallons of water per day, but the quantity may increase until 20 gallons during the summer season.

It is not easy to calculate the cost of the water, anyway by approximation; we can say that it can cost you about $5 every month. 

Housing cost

Having the right and enough space for your horse will be a significant point for you. It means that you don’t have to take care of building and spending money for housing your horse.

If you don’t have space, the cost of boarding at a barn or stable is the best option. However, if you assign your horse to a stall, it will have access to trails, pasture, and many other things. If you decide to do this, you can expect to pay around $400 to $500 monthly.

Vet cost 

Vet visits are indispensable for the horse; a veterinary visit includes many important services like teeth cleaning and vaccinations. 

The average monthly cost may be around $50 to $250, depending on the location where you live. On calculating the cost for vet visits, you should always consider an extra cost due to some emergency that may arise during your horse’s life.

Training cost

The training cost is not a compulsory and essential cost that you have to afford. It is up to you if you want to train your Morgan horse or not.

It may be helpful to have a horse-trained property. There is some center that offers training to the horse at a lower price. We are speaking about $50 for an hour of a private lesson. But if you want to continue on it. It can be expensive, reaching $650 to $850 per month. 

Grooming cost

Growing a horse in the perfect conditions involves many things; between this, there is grooming care. Although depending on the grooming care you want to put on, the cost may be variable; on average, you can expect to pay around $25 to $100 every month.

Annual cost

If we want to summarize all the costs saw during the article, we can say that, on average, owning a Morgan horse may cost you $3000 to $5000 annually.

If you decide to use your Morgan horse for competitions show, or other important events, the cost may rise because you need to take care and train it with a more in-depth approach.


If you like horses that are in the medium size, the Morgan Horse is a valid consideration if you want to purchase one. However, sometimes the cost of owning a horse may not be taken seriously, but this is a bad approach. I hope that thanks to that guide now you will be more aware of the cost of a Morgan horse.