How Much Do Magnolia Trees Cost?

Magnolia trees are a great addition to make the landscaping work more attractive to the eyes. The fragrance of flowers with a range of colors from pink and white to purple and yellow increases the appearance more to anyone.

If you are making a purchase for the first time there are few factors that you need to know to make a better decision.

A tree with an exquisite look wil have a fair share of impact on the initial charge.

This article will provide you all the information you need to know about Magnolia Tree and how you can buy one that fits your needs.

How Much Do Magnolia Trees Cost?

Being one of the most popular plants in the market today, an average magnolia tree will cost $30 to $40 depending on various factors. Magnolia plants are also known for their varieties. You will see different varieties of Magnolia plants, all of them will have a price range starting from $20 to $100. Another key element of the Magnolia tree is the size, if the size is bigger then the tree will cost more in return.

Over 300 varieties of Magnolia trees exist in the US but only a handful of them are allowed to be purchased at local nurseries and online flower shops.

Plenty of eCommerce websites also have a large array of plantar that you can buy without any problem. Some of them do offer to call a delivery service that will help you get your plant undamaged with every part of it still intact to the plant’s body.

Not all of them will share the same price range, so expect to face different costs for each one of them.

The first thing you need to know about getting a Magnolia plant is the type of Magnolia plant that you want. Not all of them will satisfy your need, you will need to get the one that fits your liking.

The plants do come in different species and all of them have different unique looks that will bring the vision of the room. Whether you are planning to set the plant indoors or outdoors. The appearance of the Magnolia plant is enough to bring out the visual of both sides of the aisle.

Why focus on strategy in growing Magnolia?

It is better to strategize what you want than to get it in the rush. Maintenance will also play a key role in the lives of the plant.

Getting an expensive one might seem like a wise decision at first, but when you actually see the list of things you have to do on a daily basis, the excitement will not be there.

If you have a busy life schedule, then you will need a plant that is more balanced in terms of maintenance and visual appearance. You just have to spend a little of your time getting the plant in a perfect natural condition.

How fast does a magnolia tree grow?

If you keep the condition just right, it will take around 10 years for the Magnolia to reach its full height. This is one of the reasons people are reluctant to buy the tree at their starting age.

Getting a cultivated magnolia plant is a much better option for the people as they don’t have to wait or spend money on maintenance. 

How big can you buy magnolia trees?

This is why height plants matter a lot in Magnolia plants. You will need to pay upwards of $50 if you are looking to get a more cultivated magnolia plant.

What affects the price of the Magnolia Tree?

The different varieties of the Magnolia tree will have their fair share of maintenance and price attached to them.

If you are unaware of the flower species and which one to buy and what the prices are in the current market.

Then this section will cover everything that you need to know about the pricing details of some of the most popular Magnolia plants in the market.

The prices may not be consistent but they are the average prices that you will have to pay to get any one of these.

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Types of Magnolia Tree with Pricing Details

If you are interested in getting a magnolia tree, then this section will cover all the popular magnolia tree variants in the market.

Almost all of them are highly demanding and require low maintenance. You will find them easier in your local nursery or online nursery.

You will be able to buy any variety of magnolia trees from your local store or online retailer. On average, you will pay between $15 to $20 per foot on the tree.

The higher the height the more money you will end up paying for the whole tree. Now let’s look at the various popular magnolia tree varieties that are available for people to buy online and at local nurseries.

Southern Magnolia Trees Cost

When it comes to the most popular magnolia plants in the world. You can do nothing wrong by picking Southern Magnolia.

They are noticeable due to their creamy white appearance. The fragrance is mesmerizing and catches the attention of anyone who just looks at the flower once.

The plant itself can grow up to 60 to 80 feet and they are better in a sunny or partially shady climate. The demanding popularity of Southern Magnolia has the price set up at $70 to $100.

Sweetbay Magnolia Trees Cost

Another well-known variety of Magnolia plants is the Sweetbay Magnolia. They Are known for their exotic look and sweet lemon fragrance. They are perfect for indoor use as they elevate the inner visuals of the room well. You can purchase Sweetbay  Magnolia for $70.

Cucumber Magnolia Trees Cost

Native to Missouri and known for greenish-yellow hue and yellow flowers that bloom in late spring. Cucumber Magnolia is another popular variant of the Magnolia tree line.

The tree can survive in wet and dry weather without taking any damage. It can live for extended periods in dry and wet weather.

They make excellent choices for gardens, parks, and other outdoor locations. The fairly expensive in the market, a 2 to 3 feet plant will cost $90.

Star Magnolia Trees Cost

The look of the white flower is mesmerizing with Star Magnolia. They will bring a sense of wonder to your year. Star Magnolia is another popular variety of magnolia plants that is highly demanding. You will typically find this variant of Magnolia for $60 to $70 online or at local nurseries.

Magnolia Kobus Trees Cost

These tree take the shape of a pyramid that grows into a round and dense tree when it reaches its full age. The white pink flows are the highlights of Magnolia Kobus. The plant goes along with the backyard plant and it adds more value to the landscaping. The typical price you will see these plants going for will be between $60 to $80.

Saucer Magnolia Trees Cost

Known for its pink and purple flower, it blooms in the spring and the overall appearance is fairly unique compared to other magnolia varieties.

The plant can handle moderate weather conditions but it prefers to be in full sunlight over any sort of greenish environment. Saucer Magnolia can grow up to 20 to 30 feet tall and can be found online for $55 to $60 for a small 2-gallon plant.

Jane Magnolia Trees Cost

Compared to other magnolia plants available in the market, Jane Magnolia is considered one of the priciest magnolia trees around

This particular variety comes from China, but for the last few centuries, this plant has been cultivated in Japan.

When it comes to the weather requirement, Jane Magnolia prefers to be in a dry environment and it is very sensitive to rainy areas.

The highlight of these plants are the dark green leaves that have a leathery appearance and the plant color goes well with the fragment flowers. You will find these trees going for $80 to $90.

What kind of maintenance do they need to survive?

No matter the type of tree that you are planning to get here. You will need to spend a fair share of time in maintenance.

Some of the magnolia trees are known for their low maintenance. If you’re not too sure about the upkeep and whether you can dedicate your time doing it.

Then you get the plants that require less attention and maintenance. They will be a perfect fit for the people who have little time to take care of the plants.

The plants will thrive if you keep with their daily requirements such as watering and providing required lighting.

Some magnolia plants will thrive well in a dry or shady environment. If you are planning to get a specific type of magnolia plant, then you should read about the plant to get more maintenance-related information about the plant.

For proper treatment it is essential for the owner to treat the plant in the right way, the plant will only grow and stick to its natural appearance if they receive a proper amount of lighting and water.

Finding the right tree is the biggest challenge that comes with plants with dozens of variations in the market.  You will need to do some research on the plant that you like and that comes with low or high maintenance.

There are over 200 different types of magnolia tree species, each one of them will have its own color and traits. Some characteristics will stand out to you and others may not. It is better to spend some time.

The Most Popular Magnolia Trees

The variation of the Magnolia tree can be overwhelming to a lot of people. If you are buying the tree for the first time, then you don’t need to put an excessive amount of thought into them.

Almost all the variants of the Magnolia tree have something unique and different to provide. Whether the difference shows up in flowers or the leaves.

If you are not too sure, and you don’t want to spend any more time reading about different variations of the plant and which one will be perfect for your room.

This section will list out the most popular three magnolia plants that are known for their appearance and are very demanding in the market.

Big Leaf Magnolia

You can expect this tree to live up to its name, as it does feature large leaves and flowers as they can extend up to 20 to 30 inches long.

This variant is one of the most demanding magnolias in the market. The overall height of the tree can reach up to 40 feet.

Big Leaf Magnolia prefers to be in a full sunlight environment with as little shade as possible. They produce reddish fruit and it requires very low maintenance. Normally, these variants will go for $60 to $100.

Umbrella Magnolia

Known for their enormous leaves and can reach up to 20 inches long and 12 inches wide, Umbrella Magnolia is a pretty looking tree to have in the house. The plant prefers to be in a shady condition and can reach up to 6 to 10 inches in diameter. Umbrella Magnolia is a much better plant for the newcomers, as they require low maintenance and can be handled without putting in any effort. Umbrella Magnolia will go for $60 or more in the market.

Magnolia Ashei

The shape of the tree will depend on the pruning that you do on it. This particular variety is actually a subspecies of Big Leaf Magnolia. They share some similarities, such as leaves and flowers. The leaves and flows are large on Magnolia Ashei as with Big Leaf Magnolia. This plant can grow up to a foot long and can be purchased from an online store for $75.


One thing is for sure, people have plenty of choices when it comes to picking their desired Magnolia tree. And most of them will have low maintenance and moderate price tag attached to them. It is highly critical for people to pay attention to the price shifts online to get the tree without spending too much money. Always do some research beforehand on what kind of tree appeals to your liking instead of getting the popular one in the nursery.