How Much Does a Tattoo Touch Up Cost?

Many people like to change their appeal for some particular reason that occurred to them.

The same goes for any tattoos that you have decided to get on your skin.

The appearance of the tattoo depends on the upkeep job that gets done daily.

With perfect maintenance, the Tattoos on the skin will look as good as new. Once you are to add more years to the tattoo, they will lose their it factor.

They will not look good 10 or 20 years down the road. Here it would help if you thought about retouching the tattoo to make it look better.

Here’s The Cost For A Tattoo Touch Up

The amount of touch-up that you will have to do will factor in the end cost. Typically touch-ups that are considered small will cost below $50 or less. Anything over that amount will be perfect for an average-sized tattoo. If the tattoo is old, you will need a lot more work and other tools for the touch-ups. Here the prices will be over $100.

It all depends on where you decide to visit for the touch-up. Different artists will have their techniques and environment to do the touch-up process.

The environment will serve as a key ingredient for the tattoo-making process. A cleaner hygienic environment will require more attention.

The shop must pay an extra amount to keep everything safe and clever for the consumers.

If you decide to step into these shops, you might spend over $100 for the daily maintenance and touch-up process.

That will not be the case for all the shops. Some will provide a more affordable service to the consumer without paying their highest regard for keeping everything cleaner.

Cheap vs Expensive Shops For Tattoo Touch-ups : Pro & Cons

Since you are planning to do some touch-ups, it is recommended that you should always prefer the premium version rather than going with affordable ones.

Affordable ones might appeal good at first, but when you are talking about long terms, only a professional artist will know what and how to effectively execute the touch-up process without any issue since they will have the experience and knowledge to create perfect designs for the skin.

The shop must have the right supplies and setups to fill out additional work necessary for the entire process to go through without any trouble.

The time the artist will spend on the touch-up, and the cost to the studio will easily go over $50. If the artist that you choose is disreputable, then the proxies will go overboard. 

If you do not know anything about the touch-up process, then you would spend anywhere near $60 for the process.

It is the least amount that they would charge for the tattoo poems.

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How To Calculate The Estimation Cost For A Tattoo Touch-Up?

To get a reasonable estimate on how much you will end up spending on the tattoo, you can take the initial amount you paid for the tattoo and divide that amount in half to get a good estimate on how much you will have to spend on the touch process.

The size of the tattoo and the amount of work that needs to be performed will impact the price. You will have to add another $10 to $20 on top of the cost. 

Professional tattoo artists will charge way more money, but their service will be of top-notch quality. If you count the tip of the tattoo free, then you are looking at $60 to $100 for the entire cost procedure.

In some shops, you will pay less if they do not have quality service for the consumer. The minimum amount is set at $40, which will be appropriate for dealing with a small tattoo; anything over average will cost between $60 to $100. If the tattoo is bigger, then the cost will go upwards of $100.

Are tattoo touch-ups expensive?

The answer depends on the size of the tattoo and who will do the touch-up process. If you are dealing with a professional tattoo artist, then the prices will go up significantly compared to the inexperienced One.

The size of the tattoo will also matter as it will translate to the number of hours the artist will have to spend doing the touch-up process.

This can take between one to two hours or longer. It all depends upon the size of the tattoo. Most artists charge money by the hour. The more time you spend in the shop, the higher the cost will be.

If you have a bigger tattoo that needs a touch-up, then you will have to pay half of the original amount you pay for your tattoo.

That doesn’t include tips and other maintenance fees that come with the touch-up process. In addition, the entire process will get handled differently from one artist to another. The hourly rate will also differ from one store to another. 

You will need to be aware of the prices before you make drastic decisions about it. If you two have multiple tattoo stores, then it is better to compare the prices and the tattoo artist’s experience.

This will give you much more information about what you can expect from the expenses since all shops will have different practices and approaches to the solution or tackling problems. 

Is a tattoo touch-up free?

If your artist guarantees their work, then they will happily provide the touch-up process free of charge. The best way to know is by tracking the record of the artist.

If they provide top touch service, then they will guarantee the art they make on the skin. But the person who received the tattoo must go with all the rules laid out by the artist.

Professional Artists will lay out very critical guidelines that will help the person keep the tattoo’s quality intact for years to come.

The consumer must follow all the rules of their daily lives to keep the tattoo looking as good as new.

If they see any negligence on the customer’s part, they might refuse to give the free touch-up card.

Most genuine professional tattoo artists will provide a free touch-up since they have immense trust and faith in their work for a living.

It’s A good way of knowing which artist will do a bang-up job on the design or not. If it is your first time getting a tattoo, then make sure to ask these questions to see the artist’s credibility.

If they have the experience and knowledge, they will do a better job and provide you with all the little details to keep your tattoo looking as good as the day you got it.

How Often Should tattoos be touched up?

If you spend most of your time outside coming in direct contact with the sun, you will need touch-ups more frequently than other people.

But mostly, six months is considered the right amount of time a consumer needs before thinking about adding some touch-up on the tattoo.

If they lack color and will fade faster, consider visiting the shop again to carry out the touch-up process.

This will be the case for most people, especially if you’re getting a watercolor tattoo. The watercolor tattoo is a new type of tattoo form that is less painful but tends to fade away faster.

If the person is not in great maintenance of the tattoo, they will see a drastic decrease in quality.

It is safe to say that you said to wait until you start seeing some fading on your tattoo ink. If that becomes the case, then you should head to the tattoo shop for a touch-up.

If you received your tattoo from a reputable store, they would happily provide the service for free.

How long will tattoo touch-ups process take?

The size of the tattoo and the complexity of the design is the right answer to this question. If you have a small tattoo, you will spend in the shop will be under 15 minutes.

If you have a colorful tattoo on your back, then the amount will go up in hours. The complexity of the design will require plenty of time to work on every single corner of the tattoo without messing it up. This will result in increased time for the artist. 


Every person who has a tattoo on their body will need to go through touch-ups. So the tattoo will look as good as new. But picking the right time and artist will be the key influential factor that will play a massive role in your touch-up decision. If your tattoo is fading faster, then no doubt that you should choose to touch up before anything else. Otherwise, you can wait for six months before you make this decision. In addition, it is recommended that you should use SPF sunscreen to decrease your chances of touch up in the future.