How Much Does Kakariki Parrots Cost?

Kakariki parrots stands for small parrot, small parrot in the Maori language. There are two variations of Kakariki available for people to buy.

They also have different names based on their differences.

Kakariki with the red-fronted bird is called Cyanoramphus Novaezelandiae and the Kakariki with a yellow fronted side is called Cyanoramphus Auriceps.

You can also find a hybrid of both of them that will come in two color patterns and be easily recognizable to the eyes. They are both extremely rare creatures, especially the red-fronted kakariki. Their numbers are slowly rising due to the risk they faced in losing their habitat.

How much does Kakariki Parrots cost?

Normally you will find these Kakariki Parrots around $20 to $800. The price is impacted by its breeder, size, and popularity. Make sure to get the bird from a reputable breeder so you don’t have to spend the time getting all the tedious work by yourself.

When you see the parrot listed with the average price, you need to ask the breeder about the medical records so you can be sure the bird is healthy and will live for a long time.

Always pay attention to what’s being written in the medical paper. Most Of the illegal or low breeders will never provide you any sort of documentation of the bird. This will result in getting a poor-quality bird with more conditions and problems.

If you don’t like paying the heavy price for the bird, then you can switch to getting it from an adoption shelter, here the price will be far lower but it will be harder to find.

As these shelters are normally filled with all sorts of animals, it is rather difficult for anyone to find the specific animal that they want to get.

You can make a contract and let them know about the pet that you are looking for. If they have it, then you will save plenty of money on the initial charge. The initial charge of the bird will not cover all the other expenses.

Is Buying online a good solution?

Getting it from the online market will have to deal with transportation charges, which will raise the overall price of the bird to a few hundred dollars more.

Based on the region and area, you will have to pay more for the bird than the average price. Getting it from a reputable breeder will save most of your problems as they would have done the investment on the bird to make sure the bird is ready for any challenges.

Getting it from a reputable breeder means the bird will be less likely to get sick or catch any sort of bad disease.

The proper training would have helped the bird to act better in a social environment without making any sort of weird behavior. Normally the birds that are not trained will handle the transition from their first home to the second home well. They will need to be properly trained to get their behavior under control. So they will not resort to their wildest part when they are surrounded by people.

Cost of maintenance Kakariki Parrots

The key aspect of any pet-keeping is maintenance. This is one of the aspects that always hids on the page.

If you are a newcomer to the pet world, and you are spending $100 to $800, then you need a bit of experience before you start thinking about owning a pet.

To live healthy life parrots will need their daily supplement of a notorious diet and to live in a friendly environment.

All of it will depend on how much attention that you pay for their maintenance. Nearly every aspect of the maintenance will play a crucial role in the health of the parrot.

Same discussion for others parrots breeds as :

This is why it is recommended to have a bit of experience in pet keeping before you start putting money on getting the exotic kind of pet for yourself. if you have no idea how any of the pet keeping and methods work? then you will find yourself in deep trouble making mistakes after mistakes.

This section will cover all the aspects of the maintenance that you will follow to keep your pet safe from danger and happy to live a healthy life. Here is the list of costs that you will have to deal with in bird keeping.

Cage cost

It is important for the pet owner to create a healthy environment for the pet so they will feel very comfortable.

Pets, in general, are very social creatures, the things they have gone through when they were babies will affect how they will behave when they grow up. If you got the animal from a reputable breeder, then the pet will be more socially active.

Keeping a socially active bird in an unhygienic condition will have a negative impact on their health and their well-being in general.

This is where you will get to create a fun environment for the parrot so they will have something to engage in.

The important thing here is to create a place where they will feel relaxed and give them a sense of home. A new bird will have a hard time fitting in any environment.

If you did your job right then it will take less time for them to get used to the new environment. Parrots will need a cage that gives proper space to move around without any limitations.

You can either spend money on building the cage with custom design or get a default one in the market for $100 to$300.

Diet cost

Commercial parakeet mixes will give the bird a good deal of natural food sources. Make sure to add seeds, safflower, sunflower, and a range of fruits and vegetables.

Online groceries have quite a list of food products for the parrots, but make sure it costs over $15 to get the best quality food product that will give the parrot enough nutrients and protein.

Overfeeding them will create various issues later on. Adding fruits and vegetables and if you have a garden in your backyard then you can pick out some food for your parrot.

Parrot’s stomach is very sensitive, feeding them the food we consume as humans will end up making their health worse. If the quality of the food is good, then they will give the protein and nutrients a parrot needs to stay active.

Vet charges

While regular checkups are essential for parrot’s health and behavior, the spending will increase drastically if they are suffering from any bad conditions.

It could come from various sources, one of them being consuming bad food products. A routine checkup will keep their illness under control and remove it before it spreads to other regions.

You will be spending $30 to $50 for routine checkups. If the conditions are critical, then you are looking at $100 or even more for a proper procedure.

Kakariki birds are very low on maintenance, if the bird was illegally bred, then it can have plenty of problems, most of them will be in the kidneys and eyes.

Buying the bird from a reputable breeder will have the bird in proper health. If the kakariki is showing signs of loss of appetite or lack of energy. Then it is time to take the bird to the vet before things take a turn for the worse. Paying a visit to the vet is a great way to suppress the problems and keep them healthy.

Toys and Accessories Cost

Having a cage is the first step to create a healthy environment for the parrot.

Adding accessories and toys will make them feel even better. As it will give them something fun to do while inside the cage without feeling lonely.

Most owners keep more than one parrot so their social behavior is at the top.

Which matters a lot when you have one parrot. Adding toys will be a great addition to changing their overall mood.

Accessories will make your handling of the bird much easier. The cost of toys and accessories will be under $50.

If their mood is right, then it will be much easier for you to train them without making them go through any frustration.

Taking 15 to 20 minutes out of your daily secular training will help the Kakariki a lot. Adding toys will keep their fun and entertaining personalities on their behavior. Accessories will not cost that much, online you can get the best type of accessories and toys for under $20 to $50.


Maintenance will play a key role in maintaining the health of the bird. The owner must pay a huge amount of attention to creating a perfect environment for the bird to feel comfortable. Once the bird feels relaxed around a new area, their behavior will see a change too. They will be less hostile to new faces and around people, they will act in a much friendlier way. The initial price may cost a bit much but it is the maintenance that will keep the bird happy and healthy for a longer period of time.