How Much Does It Cost To Build A Container House?

If there is something that can be considered true is that the space of imagination does not know limits. So when we speak about building a new home, architects worldwide are surely in the first line, ready to adopt new solutions and create unique styles.

One of the latest trends adopted by many peoples is building container houses.

A Container house consists of shipping containers ( that can be used or new) fitted with all the facilities that can be found in an ordinary house. 

If you are curious about all the costs related to building a container house, we will give you all the information you will need to know in this article.

How much does it cost to build a container house? The cost of building a container house ranges from $15,000 for a tiny container house, and they can reach up to $150,000 if the container house is built with more containers.

The cost of a container house will depend upon many factors such as the quantity of container, types of furniture, location, and many other things that you will discover in the following part of the article.

Factors affecting the cost of container house

Many factors will affect the final cost of a container house; most of the costs are controllable by your choices, such as the choice of interior and the location where you will build the container house. At the same time, others like the container cost will be constant.

1-Location for container house

The first cost that you need to consider before starting to order all the necessary things is related to the location where you will build your future container house. 

The range of cost is variable, and depending on which part of the world you are located; you can pay high or low rates. The good news is that the space necessary for building a container house of small dimensions is not big, and if you have a tiny budget, you can find some relatively small lands in a good position and start building the container house.

If we consider the average cost for an acre in 2021 done by USADA, we will notice that the average cost for 1 acre is $4,420.

Once you have in mind the cost that you need to spend for purchasing the land for your future container home, you can pass to the next step, which is finding a good company that will properly set up the basement of your future home.

2- Lay foundation for container house cost

Having a solid basement is essential, especially for container houses, witch are made of steel. Therefore, many techniques have been adopted recently regarding the foundation used for laying the container house.

One of those raising its success is by laying cylindrical columns structures made of concrete built to support the entire container house. 

According to Forbes, the average cost for a foundation is around $8,500; anyway, it is important to take into consideration that the space necessary for building the container house will largely influence the final cost, and to keep you on the safe side, you can always consider spending $5,000.

3- Purchase the shipping container

Once you have everything ready and agree with contractors about the upcoming project for building your shipping container, the next step that you have to do is find a profitable shipping container for purchasing.

The shipping container cost will depend upon the location where the container should be delivered, the size, and if you will decide to purchase it new or secondhand. 

The average cost for a secondhand shipping container is around $3,500 without considering the cost of delivering. While for a brand new container, you can expect to pay also more than $5,000.

4- Cost for making a container house living

Due to the building characteristics of the shipping container, living inside them without proper modification is practically impossible.

Having a safe environment that will protect you during the winter days or the hot days of the summers should be your priority. 

For that reason, one of the expenses that are usually taken into consideration after the proper setup of the container in your spaces is the insulation cost. 

Depending on the types of insulation that you will choose for your container house, you can expect to spend around $0.50 to $2 per square foot.

See also: How Much Does It Cost To Build A 3D-Printed House?

Interior setup cost for a container house

It is not a proper house without fitting it with a good interior setup and amenities. Regarding the interior setup, the most expensive costs you need to take care of are the HVAC system, electricity, plumbing, doors, flooring, and windows.

The cost for these installations can be approximately considered closely related to the one of a normal house. 

Anyway, the cost will vary depending upon the choice of quality and the material that you decide to install into your container house. 

The best thing you can do once you arrive at this stage is to consider your estimated budget and then evaluate the quality of materials, and the installation cost you are willing to spend.

Are there different ways to build a container house?

If you are too busy with your daily work and cannot follow all the mentioned steps, do not worry because if you want a container house, an alternative method is purchasing a pre-made container house.

Certain companies are specialized in building pre-made containers already fitted with kitchen, electricity, and all the amenities necessary for living.

The cost of a pre-made container house is variable, and it will depend upon the quality of the interior and the size of the container house that you will decide to purchase. 

The minimal cost that you will spend for a pre-made container house is $30,000.

Is it cheaper to build a container home?

If you already own a land property, and you like to live in tiny spaces, container homes could be a good alternative, and they will save you a lot of money, compared to the construction of traditional homes.

Are shipping container homes worth it?

If reinforced and appropriately built with all the attention, a shipping container may be a good alternative from the traditional house. 

Shipping containers homes is a good alternative for people searching for new styles and trying a unique experience of living. 

If adequately fitted, container homes will not have any differences from the traditional houses, and at the same time, they will save you a lot of money.

See also:

How long do container homes last?

The lifespan of a container home will depend upon its location and the general environmental condition expected during the years in the area. Anyway, a good approximation of the lasting period can be around 15 to 25 years.

What states allow container homes?

Surely the first thing that should be taken into consideration before building a container home is if the state where you live will give you the possibility of building the container home.

Some of the states that allow you to build container homes are Alaska, California, Texas, Missouri, and Oregon. 

Can I store a container on my property?

It is not possible to give a definitive answer to that question since it will depend upon the city’s jurisdiction where you live. The validation for storing a container in your property also depends on the size of the container and facilities you will insert inside it.

How long does it take to build a container home?

The time necessary to build a container home depends upon the size and the interior works necessary.

For a tiny container home, the time necessary for completing the work is a maximum of one month, while for a bigger container house, the timing for finishing all the necessary works can be more than 7 weeks.

Final thoughts

The cost for building a container house is variable; many factors dictate the final price you will spend to complete it. The good news is that container houses come in different sizes and can be fitted with other interiors, making them a good investment for people who have already landed property and want to stay within a tiny budget.