If, after watching a documentary about peacock, you were wondering if it was possible to have one and what is the cost to buy and maintain a peacock, you are in the right place.
Yes, I tell you this because you can keep a peacock as pets if you were not aware.
If you get in love with its beautiful colour and its long tail, you can take and keep the peacock as pets, enjoying some times together.
The peacock is part of the pheasant family, and “peacock” is just the name that represents the male, while for the female, the term used is a peahen.
If you have a farm and you are already used to to deal with high cost as for the example the cost for a lamb, or a buffalo cost, the peacock cost will make you smile.
But before going more in-depth about other important characteristics of the peacock, I think it is time to answer the main question.
Table of Contents
How much does a peacock cost?
The average cost to buy a peacock is between $40 to $250. The main difference that can vary the cost of a peacock is the age and the colours that they own. For a peacock that has beautiful colour without any defects, you will pay $120 to $250. While for peacock that doesn’t have many colours and some defects, you will pay $40 -$80 maximum.
As you can notice from the price, the cost for a peacock is not so high; it is the perfect pets for people with a lot of space, such as a backyard with a lot of green and time to take care of.
But for more of this information, keep reading.
Cost of Peacock by Type
Before analyzing more in details, the cost for maintaining a peacock is reasonable to see the different types of peacock present in the world, in the way to consider all the species.
The species of peacock present are:
- Black shoulder
- Cameo
- India Blue
- Silver Pied
- Spalding
- White
Black shoulder peacock cost $50 -$100

The black-shouldered peafowl is a particular type of peacock and one of the most common, especially in the United Kingdom.
The particularity of this peacock is that it has plain black wings with a greenish-blue sheen.
The black shoulder is adorable to look at; their colour is combined, especially the neck, usually connected with some metallic green colouration.
Anyway, if you want to buy a black shoulder peacock, you must know that the colouration can vary from one peacock to another.
The cost to purchase s black shoulder peacock is around $70; anyway, you can also find it at less price, and you can pay a maximum of $100.
Cost to maintain a black shoulder peacock-
The good news about that peacock is that it can live around the garden without any problem. The only thing that you have to take care is to protect it from bad weather.
So in case you don’t have anything on your garden that protects your peacock, you should consider buying or building some ceiling.
Cameo peafowl cost $250

The main distinction of that type of peacock that we are sawing is due to the colouration. In this case, the cameo peacock has creamy brown colouration, with a darker chocolate brown neck.
If you are in the USA or UK, it is very easy to find some of that species in some dedicated farm.
You can expect a cost of $200 maximum of $250.
Indian blue peacock cost $830 – $1500

Suppose your dream is to sit in the backyard, enjoy your time with your family, and at the same time having a beautiful peacock that you can show proudly to your friends. The perfect choice that you can make is to buy an Indian peacock.
The price here starts to rise because we are speaking to the most searched species of the peacock. The male India blue peacock has the brightest and beautiful colours; for that reason, the cost starts from $830 for a breeder male.
While if you like to have and yearling female, the price increase until reaching $980
There isn’t any limitation regarding the age at which you should buy a peacock; just evaluate your initial cost for purchasing one inside your budget. More ahead during the article, we will see all the cost related to the maintenance.
Silver pied peacock cost $300-$400

The colour of that peacock is due to the pattern mutation, from the silver pied and the white-eyed. The origin of that peacock is In the USA.
The average cost on which are sold is between $300 and $400; this is due to the rarity of that species.
Spalding peacock cost $150-$200

The average cost on the market for the Spalding peacock is around $150, if you are an expert on peacock, you probably know that in California, they are named Mrs Spalding.
As you can see from the picture, the colour of that peacock is generated by mixing 2 species.
Blue India and the Green. The cock, as we can see from, is green, and the hen is darker, as the Black-shouldered (that is a variety of Blue India).
This is the perfect compromise between cost and beauty; you can see a peacock with beautiful colours without spending too much money.
White peacock cost $1200 -$1400

The beauty of this type of peacock doesn’t have limits. It can be considered the most beautiful of the peacock; when a white peacock stretches its tails, nobody resists not watching it.
The white colour of this peacock transmit elegance and serenity to everyone is watching it.
The maximum dimension they can reach is about 100cm tall and a maximum weight of 6kg.
It will be the perfect peacock if you own a lot of space and a curated backyard; for sure, the white peacock will add a sense of elegance and beauty that you was missing.
Like other peacocks, they eat insects and plants.
If you are buying a young white peacock, you have to wait at least 2 years for seeing the big and spending tail that characterize this species.
The cost for a white peacock is around $1200 to $1400.
As you saw during the first part of the article, the cost for a peacock is variable, and the main things that make varying the price is the type of species that you are going to choose.
I hope that now you have a clearer idea about the cost of the different species and that you choose at least one because now it is time to see more about the cost of maintenance of a peacock.
How much does it cost to maintain a peacock?
As for other pets, the main thing to take care of are:
- Feeding cost
- Housing cost
- Vet and medical care cost
Feeding cost for a peacock
To grow a healthy and strong peacock, you need to feed it properly; the best choice that you can make is not to mix with other food for a cheaper option.
The main things that a peacock ear are:
- Corn $5
- Fruit $2
- Nuts $1
- Worms $30
- Reptiles
- Ants
And these can be easily bought at a pet store for a maximum monthly expanse of $20.
Housing cost for Peacock
As for all the pet, the primary things that a responsible pet owner should do before buying a pet are offering a suitable place and giving the right spaces that the pets need.
Same story for the peacock.
As for the other birds, you can think to keep the peacock inside a cage, in the case of a big peacock cage, but anyway, it is not the best option.
If you have enough space in your backyard or garden, you should consider building a fence, not exaggerate, but the right dimension to guarantee the space needed for your peacock.
If you consider the building of a fence, you have to know that you will spend around $150.
You don’t have to spend too much money on building a good fence because your primary problem is the night; as other predators can enter and attack your peacock, you should guarantee a covered place to stay more quietly possible.
Medical and vet cost for peacock
If you already have some experience with previous pets, you could think that this part dedicated to the medical and vet cost is the hardest one.
But it is not the case with the peacock.
You have to know that the peacock is healthy birds and that rarely they get sick.
For that reason, you don’t have to scary about the medical and vet cost for a peacock as they will be very low.
If you have any doubt regarding the behaviour of your peacock and you want to go for a visit to a vet, it will cost you probably $25 per visit.
So in the estimation of the cost for maintaining a peacock, the vet cost could not be taken into consideration as they are part of a small percentage of the total cost.
Places to buy a peacock
If you have the possibility, the best thing to do is go directly to a breeder and check if they have some peacock available to sell.
In this case, you can check if the breed is available, meet your expectations or not, and most importantly, you can check the health status of your future pet.
If for some reason, this option is not possible for you, our suggestion is to search in Google maps to see in near you there are some breeder that sells peacock.
Last option you can search on Google for some official e-commerce that sells peacock and maybe contact him to see if it is a serious seller or not.
If you choose the last option, you have to consider that the cost can be more, because you have to consider the cost of transport that in the case of peacock are around $100, and are done only under determinate condition chosen by the seller.
If your dream is to have a beautiful peacock but are scared about the cost, you don’t have to worry about the cost, as you will have read during the article.
The main cost that you will have to do is purchasing one, as the cost for some species can reach more than $1500.
Others cost as feeding and medical cost are very low, and you can expect to spend a maximum of $40 monthly.
References for the costs
- https://www.peacocksuk.com/
- https://www.birdsnow.com/peacock.htm