How Much Does a Lotus Flower Cost?

The floating aquatic plants can elevate the overall presence of any room. Lotus plants are native to Asia and Australia.

Pink lotus also carries a high symbolism in countries such as India and Vietnam. Places like China and Japan are known to celebrate the visual of the flower by holding lotus festivals.

This brings in millions of people around the country to celebrate the beauty of the flower and spread love to other people.

Lotus flowers will last up to three days, the price you will face depends on various factors.

What is the price of Lotus Flower?

A single Lotus flower stem will cost around $30 to $40 depending on the size and type of flower. There are some variations of lotus flower that can go beyond the $3 to $4 range to a higher number.

It is better to know what type of lotus flower that you are planning to pick. As there are over 36 different types of lotus available in the market. Each of them has a different look.

When it comes to pricing, you will save more money if you decide to get bulk deals instead of picking one or three of them.

Online or from our local nursery will have deals to 25 semanas or 50 stems. This means if you are going to buy over 30 lotus stems, then the initial cost will go down drastically to a lower number. You can save up to $10 to $20 on flower bulks. The more flowers you will end up buying the more money you will save.

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Are Lotus Flower expensive?

Lotus is a highly popular piece of flower for weddings or fancy events. Amyn brides like to carry a cut of lotus in their bridal bouquet and event planners always set the lotus in large bowls to elevate the overall lap dance of the room.

It is sufficient to say lotus flowers are in high demand. You are not going to face a cheap price tag on them. They are always at a higher price range, and they go up in a festive and wedding season just like other flowers that share the same vibe.

The price will be different from one another. Some flowers stick out more than others. This is always the case with flowers with more variation.

Lotus flowers have over 36 varatiion in the market. And each one of them has something unique to offer. The price will also be different on all of them.

Is there any inexpensive option?

The price will not be the same for all the sources. There are different factors that come into play when it comes to deciding the price.

Companies who sell lotus flowers online will give out all the details on the forefront of the page, so the viewers will see what they are getting in return for the money.

It is the job of the buyer or does some research on what kind of flowers they require or want for their special occasion.

Since different types of flowers will cost differently. It can be very easy for the newcomers to get the wrong flower for the occasion since they did not do enough research on this subject.

Save Money By Purchasing Lotus Flower in Pack

When it comes to money, it is better to get the flowers in a pack, to save plenty of money. If you think the initial price of the flower is high, there are other alternatives that make the deal much sweeter.

This will require a bit of handy work but the end result will be much better. The Best one is to grant as many coupons as possible. Since they are available on the websites, you will need to check the website every now and then to see any discount offers or any deals that are happening at that time.

In these events, you will be able to grab multiple discount tickets or coupons for special products. Many websites that sell flowers always have discounts and coupons for their customers.

All you need to do is to check in with the website to see if any of them pops up on the weekend. If it does, then you will save more than 25% on the flower purchase.

Should you buy from an online or local nursery?

They will both provide you the best quality of flowers for a moderate price range. The art of discounts and deals are not seculaded in the online world, some of the nurseries do hold dates on their flower listing.

You can take advantage of these discounts to get as many flowers as possible for our special occasion.

Most of the nurseries are known to have discounts set up prior to wedding days. Something can be said for the online world, many websites do hold up those days to give the isomer something to return.

There is not much difference in either of them, one thing you have to make sure of is the shipping charges.

They will add $40 to $100 more shipping charges if they are carrying something valuable. Lotus flowers get hurt from a reckless delivery process.

So it is better to pay an extra amount of money for a safe delivery. This is why it is always better to do some research on the source of purchase and make sure they have a good record in providing the product without damaging them. Read the online reviews about nurseries online or local to get a more definite picture of them.


Lotus flowers can be amazing and they will raise the overall appearance of any room. They are perfect for weddings and fancy occasions. Make sure to always invest money on a bulk of them to save money and get more flowers in return. You can grow them by following proper techniques that can be easily found online. But if the reason behind your purchase is for show only, then you will not have to worry about the maintenance work, just make sure the source is legitimate and the flower delivery process is smoother.