How Much Do Ragamuffin Cats Cost?

The Ragamuffin breed is different from regular cats. People misunderstand this breed as ragdoll.

But these two breeds are different from each other.

The special characteristics of Ragamuffin are scooped nose, chubby looking, and rounded skull. Also, due to their walnut-shaped eyes, they look so sweet and gorgeous.

These reasons are sufficient to make them pricy. It was developed By crossing the Persian, Turkish Angora, and  Birman Cat.

How Much Do Ragamuffin Cats Cost?

Depending upon their quality, coat color, breed, and geographical location, the cost may vary. The purchasing cost To buy a Ragamuffin, is around $600 to $1500 approximately. Finding a pure-blood quality Ragamuffin is not that difficult. This costs around $2500. The Ragamuffins, whose age is older than 2 to 3, cost up to $25 to $150.

The breed takes 4 to 5 years to become fully matured. These are heavy and muscular. It has a medium-length coat, short neck, broad chest, and rectangular body. 

Additional expenses Ragamuffin Cat Cost

An up-to-date vaccination report, healthy warranty, health certificate by a reputable veterinarian, and a travel cage for shipping the cat to your location may be supplied by a trustworthy breeder.

Spay or neuter, a starter pack (consisting of toys, food, and other accessories), microchipping, and a genetic test report may also be provided by some reputable breeders.

The cat which you are going to buy needs to be FeLv or FVI negative. With adaption paper, you have to ask the breeder for a registration document of ACFA or CFA if the Ragamuffin is registered.  

They cost depend upon the cat’s distance, and as per the airline company’s guidelines, the shipping cost may differ.

You may pay $150 to $400 for the shipping cost. The owner of a Ragamuffin should be ready to spend at least $50 per month to keep their cat healthy. The total expenditure includes food, toys, accessories, litter, and vet costs. The registration charge depends upon the law of the local country or city code. 

One-time cost

To buy a Ragamuffin from a breeder is the highest one-time cost when you decide to get a Ragamuffin to your home.

To get a Ragamuffin from a rescue center is so inexpensive. The health check and necessary item costs are also included in the one-time cost the owner has to pay for.

The first vet visit, including the vaccination and physical exam of your Ragamuffin, cat food, bowl, litter, litter box, and cat carrier also goes under the category of one-time cost. 

Adoption cost

There is an option for adopting cats to give a chance to a homeless cat for a happy and loving home and better life.

To find a rare cat breed like Ragamuffin, in a shelter is difficult. Because this is a pure-blood breed. If you can find a Ragamuffin in a shelter, then you are lucky enough.

The shelter gives you the cat with its vaccination report, veterinary care, and spay. The adoption fee will invest for the support of the shelter. The adoption cost may go up from $60 to $350.

Breeder cost For Ragamuffin Cats

A good quality Ragamuffin costs $1500 to $3000. As a deposit for booking a Ragamuffin, some breeders charge between $300 to $600 when your buy is on a waitlist.

Later the deposit amount includes the total buying price.

Some breeders apply a rule to purchase a Ragamuffin; only when a cat’s age is around 14 to 16 weeks can you get it to your home.

The breeders take responsibility for the cat’s first vaccination. You have to do a proper survey of the breeders that they are reputable, responsible, and legitimate or not.

Depending upon the breeder’s location, you have to pay around $200 to $3000 as a shipping charge. The breeder may charge you about $1500 to $3000 for buying a pure-blood Ragamuffin

Initial setup and supply cost Ragamuffin Cats

The setup and supply cost depends upon you. First, decide whether you spend a little or enough for your pet.

The cost also depends on whether you have already bought some equipment or borrowed from any pet owner or are going to buy all of that.

There will be a lot of choices. So as per your requirement and how much money you want to spend, choose the supplies wisely.

For some savings, you should go to the low-cost clinic instead of the vet. The initial setup and supplies cost you up to $150 to $550 approximately. 

Ragamuffin Cats Cost per month

The expenditure for a month of your Ragamuffin is dependent on it. In case of any medical issue, the monthly expenses may be increased.

The food and litter quality and quantity also influence the cost of monthly expenses. If you hire someone (cat sitter) for the cat to take care of, if you take your cat to professional grooming, or if you need to fix any damage by the cat, then the monthly cost may be higher.

You have to spend $50 to $200 approximately for your cat.

Health care cost

As Ragamuffins are pure breeds, they are prone to heart disease and kidney disease. In addition, they love to munch for the whole day.

To keep them healthy, you have to look after their obesity. In some cases, some Ragamuffin owners spend a lot of money regarding their health issues.

On the other hand, some Ragamuffins can survive for their whole life with good health.

If you buy a Raggamuffin from a breeder, you have to ask about the cat’s health condition from their birth. The monthly health care cost of a Ragamuffin may go up to $50 to $150 and more. 

Food cost For Keeping Ragamuffin Cats

You have a lot of choices for cat food. As per your budget, you can choose low-priced cat food, but firstly research the quality, ingredients, and reviews of the cat food before buying.

It is not true that low-priced food always belongs to low quality. You should not give artificially flavored and by-product food to your pet.

Instead, you should give fresh beef and chicken to your cat. If you go for packaged food, check the ingredient list carefully and ensure that the food does not contain any preservatives.

The food cost per month of a Ragamuffin may cost up to $20 to $60

Ragamuffin Cats Grooming cost

To save some money, you have to groom your Ragamuffin yourself. Ragamuffin has a soft, gorgeous, and tangle-free fur on its coat.

So to maintain it, you have only to comb it with a stainless-steel cat comb once a week. This is the advantage of grooming the cat.

You can brush its coat easily without other’s help. You have to trim its claw and clean its ear time-to-time for its cleanliness purpose.

If you want to do a grooming session, then depending upon the groomer you appoint to groom your cat, the cost may vary between $30 to $70

Vet visit and medication cost

For a year, you have to pay about $150 for the physical examination and vaccination of the cat. If you can’t brush your pet’s teeth, then you have to pay $450 annually for the cleaning of its teeth by the vet.

If you look after your Ragamuffin’s tick and flea problem, then you can save a lot of money. If your pet doesn’t need much medication and then monthly expenses will be lower.

According to the health issue, the monthly vet cost will be $20 to $200. 

Pet insurance cost

To avoid future health-related expenses, you can do pet insurance. But it is optional. The insurance depends upon the breed, age, and location of your cat. It costs about $20 to $100 per month.

Environment maintenance cost

This is essential to provide your cat the right litter and litter box. As per the cat’s concern, the box size, cost, and type of box differ.

● Deodorizing granules or spray – $5 to $10 per month

● Litter mat – $12 to $60 per month

● Litter box – $7 to $15 per month

Entertainment cost

You should provide some toys and playing instruments to your Ragamuffin for its entertainment because it is an indoor pet.

You have to buy some fake mice, balls, and automatic laser wands for it. There is no need to buy expensive toys because the cat uses them roughly and may breaks. The toys cost around $10 to $50.

Some basic upkeep cost of a Ragamuffin

● Neuter or spay $50-$500

● Collar $15

● Microchip $45-$55

● Ultrasound $300-$500

● Bed $30-$50

● Teeth cleaning $150-$400

● Comb $6-$20

● Litter scoop $7-$20

● Scratching post $20-$100

● Water bowl and food $10-$50


The initial cost of buying a Ragamuffin may be pretty expensive nowadays. Therefore, it is an excellent decision to buy a Ragamuffin from a known breeder. Including the buying cost, necessary items, and expenses, you have to prepare to spend $2000 to $4000 approximately. Besides this amount, the monthly cost may be about $30 to $100 depending upon some factors. It is an ideal, playful, smart, and loving pet cat. As a social pet, Ragamuffins want to spend their time with the owner and love to cuddle. If you want a cute and fun-loving pet, then go for the Ragamuffin.