How Much Does a Birman Cat Cost?

If you are looking to get an exotic cat, then the chances are you are going to find Birman a pretty attractive cat to be on the list. They are most popular and known as an affectionate breed with alluring eyes and furry silky coats. It is pretty fair to say, one look at these cats will make you want to have them around you all the time. There are so many details about Birman that it requires an in-depth look to get to know all of them.

Knowing the pricing details and what impacts the price of this version of the cat will help you make an educated decision on getting the cat or not, as for the case of  Calico Cat Cost, Tabby Cat Cost, and Persian cat cost.

How Much Does Birman Cat cost?

The purchasing price for a Birman cats usually come in between $400 to $600. If you are getting the cat from a reputable breeder, then you can expect to pay in that price range. Another alternative method of getting Birman in your house would be the process of adoption.

Adoption Cost For a Birman cat

Compared to the average amount, adoption only requires you to pay somewhere between $15 to $250 to adopt. Multiple factors do play a role in deciding the price of the cat and how much it is going to be in the future. Despite what many think, the price of an exotic cat always shifts from high to low and vice versa.

Factors Affecting The Cost Of A Birman Cat

Birman Cat-Factors Affecting The Cost

Different factors such as the price of the pedigree, reputation of breeder, location, current supply, and demand will impact the overall price of the cat in negative and positive ways. It is difficult to say that the price tag of Birman will stay consistent for a fixed amount of time.

The exotic cat demands are usually high in all countries. People like to be around cats that show more emotions and an amazing look that can awe the bystanders. Regional pricing will also be different depending on the current location.

Buying an exotic cat might seem like a good idea but there are things that you should know that will help you prepare to get the best cat in the market without any flaws sticking out on them.

Plenty of times you will fake the listing of Birman on the list. Rare animals in the market usually get this treatment, since the demand is so high.

Scammers and low breeders will put a jaw-dropping lower price on them to attract people. It is much better to stay out of them and keep looking out for reputable breeders to be the source of the cat.

Doing some research on these cats will help you figure out the cat that you need in your life. Even with exotic cats, they are used for different purposes. Every single use of these cats will impact heavily on the price tag that they are going for in the market.

A pet that is designed to sell for a specific purpose will not cope well with others and they will have a price tag much different than the average price of the exotic cat. In this case, Birman is designed to handle show cats that will cost more than the cats that are meant for pets.

What impacts the price of a Birman cat?

The first thing that you should know before buying a Birman, is the types of breeders you will see in the market. Each one of them will differ from another.

In the market, you will find backyard breeders, kitten mills, and lastly, registered breeders. Each one of the breeders will have their own different price listing of the cat in the market. It is highly recommended to follow a reputable breeder and pay the average price tag to get the cat.

The other type of breeder will have their own price listing on the cat, but none of them will have the quality and caring part covered by the exotic cat. A reputable breeder will go through all the trouble that it takes to make sure the cat receives all the requirements and grows up to be a healthy cat without any disease or problem popping up later in their life.

Price Birman cat Non-Reputable Breeders

The same can not be said about other types of breeders, as they are more likely to focus on raising a cat with minimalistic maintenance. Although the price tag of the cats from non-reputable breeders will be much cheaper. So is the price you will pay later points into the cat’s life.

Registered breeders are normally associated with Cat Fanciers Association or The International Cat Association. A reputable breeder will go through all the hoops to make sure the cat receives the proper maintenance with the proper amount of cat that will reflect how the cats will perform around the social environment.

A birman will cost somewhere from $400 to $1,500 in the market. Depending on what type of Birman cat you are looking to get from the market. But on average, you can expect to pay around $500 for a Birman. The factors do weigh in making the price for these cats.

Pedigree and Lineage

A reputable breeder will have vetted the cats and have the cat registered with authorities. It is fair to say a cat that has its credentials and paperwork will cost more in the market.

As the paperwork guarantees a high level of care, attention, and details went into taking care of the cat in a proper way.

While on the lower end breeders will not have all of that. A low breeder or a non-reputable breeder will pay less attention to the cat, if the initial price they invested is less, it is highly likely that they are going to charge less for the cat when they put it on the market.

Breeding Ability

Many buy the cat for breeding purposes. Kittens with breeding rights will be more expensive than any other Birman cat in the market.

You can expect to pay less for a cat that is sterilized. If a Birman is sterilized then the price tag of the neutered cat will be less than a cat that is designed for the breeding.

The demand for a breedable cat is high in the pet market. Any type of pet, as long as the pet is breedable, then you can expect to pay a higher price tag for them.


The look of the cat will matter a lot in deciding the price for them. Looks are considered as one of the main factors that influence the asking price of the cat. Rare features such as eye color, fur coat, socialization traits will raise the cost more from an average price tag.

It is fair to say, the better looking the cat that you want around the house, you will need to go above the average asking price of the cat. The demand for good-looking cats is always going to stay high all the time.

Supply and Demand

Birman is an exotic creature, this easily translates to more demand than an average cat in the market. The supply will also reflect the price that you are going to pay for these cats. If the demand is higher and the supply is not, then you can expect to pay more for the cat than the average price tag. If you are eyeing out a specific type of birdman then you need to prepare to spend upwards of $1,500 easily.

Adoption Route

Many will not be fond of the idea of paying over $1000 or $500 for a cat. Switching to adoption will cost you significantly less than what it would have cost from a reputable breeder.

Adoption costs will come in between $15 to $200 for a cat, for a kitten, you can expect to pay somewhere  $50 to $250. The price tag usually stays the same for Birman and all the other exotic and non-exotic breeds. Just like in a reputable breeder, factors do weigh in making the adoption price fairly low to high.

Typically people always look out for the health condition of the cat and temperament of the cat before they buy them from the market.

Birman is not going to be easy to find in the adoption center. The health condition and the power maintenance vaccine will raise the adoption cat by a lot. You will need to pay more if the cat has received the proper amount of medical attention to its health.

Finding a cat such as Birman will not be easy, it will take some digging around to see if they are actually in the adoption center near your neighborhood.

Cost Maintenance For a Birman cat

chart of maintenance cost for birman cat

The maintenance of any cat will cost a lot, but there are ways you can cut back on the cost without raising it. Maintenance is one of the things that people don’t think about much when they get a cat for their family.

But it should be considered since the cat that they are trying to get is an exotic cat with heavy demand. Normally, a reputable breeder provides the best quality of care for the cat as the year grows under their supervision.

They provide the cat with an extremely friendly environment, proper vaccines, toys and accessories, and many others to help the cat to grow up to be a natural healthy cat.

Birman will have their own requirements that need to be filled up on a daily basis by the owner. The price will differ but most of the time it will stay the same for different types of breed.

Food Cost For Birman cats

Diet is necessary for the cat to stay healthy with proper nutrition that will help them to be active and social around people.

Birman are social creatures and like to play around the house, they need their nutritious food to keep the engine running.

You can expect to pay $100 on nutritious and protein-based food that will meet the requirement of an active cat.

Supplies Cost For Birman cats

To create an environment for the cat, you will need supplies that help you achieve the perfect cat climate in the house. You will need food and water bowls, grooming supplies, tags, toys, and a litter box. These things are necessary for the cat to live in any environment.

Normally, you will need to pay $100 to $200 to get all the necessary accessories for the cat. Furniture and scratches, bed and blankets will raise the cost from $300 to $400.

Vet cost Cost For Birman cats

The initial vet exam for a Birman will be around $60 to $75. If the cat has any sort of bad disease, then you will need to pay $50 to $100 to get rid of the disease and price preventive medical treatments for the cat.

A daily check-up is necessary for the cat to live happily and healthy without catching other problems or symptoms from the world. If the cat shows unusual behavior then it is better to take the cat to a vet and have it properly checked.

Licensing Cost For Birman cats

If you want to license your cat, then you can expect to pay $25 to get the job done. Licensing will put more value on the cat than the initial price.

Nowadays people license their cats and microchip them to make life a bit more convenient as a pet owner. Some states will put a mandatory requirement on licensing the cat. Make sure to do some research on pet regulations in your city or state. Otherwise, you will be violating plenty of rules by not having a licensed cat.


Birman Cats are seen as an exotic cat in the market, they have the personality and social interaction which makes them instantly likable. The demand for these cats is always high. One thing that you can do is to get the cat from a proper breeder. So you will get a healthy cat with all the vaccines received. Make sure to do some background checks if the asking price is low. Many non-reputable breeders tend to offer a lower price tag for the animal. Here you will be much more likely to get ripped. So do some research beforehand to be on the safe side of things.