How much does an ostrich egg cost? Are you ever think of trying it at least one time in your life? Do you think that ostrich eggs are expensive?
Not worry, if you are going or thinking of trying it, you will love that article.
Sometimes we are scared to try something because we listen to somebody who mentioned that something is very high, but it is not always the case.
How much does an ostrich egg cost? The medium cost for an ostrich egg is around 30-45$, depending on where you buy it and the dimensions of the selected egg, considering that an ostrich egg can reach 1.5 kg of weight. The ostrich egg cost sometimes is relative to its difficulty to found it, take into consideration that some ostrich egg breeder can increase the price because of rarity to found it.
Table of Contents
Table of ostrich eggs Cost for country
The following table is showing the average price of an ostrich egg, divided by country:
Country | Cost |
USA | 30-60$ |
Spain | 24$ |
Italy | 30$ |
French | 20$ |
Turkey | 11$ |
China | 23$ |
Russia | 10$ |
India | 25$ |
the Information taken can be considered the actual one since we took it from various websites present in the local place.
We will go in-depth to find out if the ostrich egg is worth is cost, considering that we could buy 24-25 egg chicken at the same price.
Why should I buy an ostrich egg?
The ostrich egg is perfect for you if you like to taste new things, and you are a lover of intense taste; you should consider that the taste of a single ostrich egg is equivalent to 24-25 eggs of chicken.
Another reason can be to cook something different for your friends, or an important dinner, considering the cost of each egg.
Is eating ostrich eggs healthy?
If you go for buying an ostrich egg, at least it should be healthy, right?
Not worry; in the following sentences, I will explain everything you need to know.
According to research done we don’t have a lot of information about it as for the chicken eggs, but anyway, the main Information that you need to know are:
The fat, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, and iron content of the ostrich eggs are similar to the chicken egg.
In general, an ostrich egg contains 2000 calories.
For more information, I suggest visiting this web page.
Is buying ostrich eggs worth the value?
The ostrich egg is worth the value only if you are not a common consumer. You like to taste something different; considering the high quantity of calories for egg (2000 calories ), it is suggested do not consume it for breakfast as for the chicken eggs.
Another thing that can block you from buying an ostrich egg, can be the difficulty and the practicability of cooking it.
Most Common way to cook ostrich eggs-is worthing the value?
Cooking ostrich egg
If you already decided to buy an egg and you are on the cooking phases, these are the most common method used to cook an ostrich egg-
Here we found the main difference compared to the chicken egg, due to the size of the egg, if you want to cook an ostrich egg you need at least 90 minutes of your time and having a large pot.
Considering the price of buying one, you would like to cook it perfectly, right? With the ostrich eggs is not always the case.
There is not so common because the fry will make the taste of the ostrich egg less intense, and after spending 30-60$ of egg, in my opinion, you should avoid doing this.
Where can I buy Ostrich Eggs?
If you arrived at the point where you believe that buying an ostrich egg is what you want, now is time to find a perfect place to buy 1 at a reasonable price.
How to find the best price for Ostrich eggs
My suggestion is not to go straight on the market and to buy one, as it may not have the same taste as the fresh one bred on a farm near you.
Tips for finding the best price of an ostrich egg
My approach would be:
1- Research
2- Find the nearest farm
3- Try to Contact them
1-Search on internet
Thanks to the internet nowadays, we can use it in the smartest way possible; my suggestion would be to research Google writing:
“ ostrich eggs farm”, Google will show you taking your location as a reference to the nearest place.

2- Find the nearest farm
Depending on which part of the world you live, the farm can be close as it can be impracticable or not worth reaching.
Make some evaluation, and if it is far away from where you live, your next option will be to buy an ostrich egg on the market, taking care about the expiration date and from where this egg is coming from.
3-Contact the farm
If you find a farm that is close to where you live, you can try to contact theme, trying to ask for more information.
I insert this part because some farms are very big producers of ostrich eggs, and maybe they can give all the eggs to a particular restaurant of the market, as it is a very renewable business.
I know that the last part of this paragraph sounded interesting to you, this was for me too; yes the ostrich eggs are a very profitable business to do.
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Business on selling ostrich eggs
If you have some space to utilize as a farm or something, I suggest reading this part of the article very carefully.
The price of buying an ostrich chick is in the market at a price of around 500$.
If you know or take some course on how to grow an ostrich and guide by some expert, you can earn good money.
As we mentioned before, the medium cost for buying an ostrich egg is around $30-60 apiece.
If we consider that you can make 60- eggs a year, the investment is done with 500$, now after selling the 60 eggs for $40, it gives you a gross net profit of $2400.
And with a net worth of $1900 considering the $500 initial.
Another consideration to do is that the ostrich has not limited age, they can lay eggs for about 30 years.
Of course, if you consider growing an ostrich eggs farm, you should consider many other things like food, care, vet cost, and so on.
I hope to cover all that you need to know about the cost of ostrich eggs in this article.
Make your considerations and if you want to try it, go and buy one.