How Much Does Iolite Cost?

Iolite is one of the finest gemstones that sparkle with gorgeous color when it gets touched by light. Iolite is seen as one of the most expensive and unique blue stones such as sapphires and tanzanites.

Unlike the other two, Iolites are found in most locations of the world. This is good news, as more of them are available for people to buy. The high amount of supply is always good for the people who are looking for affordable products.

Iolite is more available in the market due to its availability in the world.

The price for a gemstone will differ from one to another. It can be due to various factors that will all play a role in dictating the overall price of the gem. Iolite is no different. Since Iolite gemstones are found in medium and large sizes. It can start from 1 carat to 10 carats. If you have no idea how jewelry works, the simple idea is, if a carat weighs between 1 to 5, then it gets considered as an ideal for jewelry.

Extra fine Ioliteof 1 to 5 carats will cost above $60, meanwhile larger stones from 5 to 10 carats will easily cross the $100 mark.

Does the color of Iolite affect the price?

Yes, since Iolite comes in a range of colors from light to dark blue and even violet. The most popular and desired shade of iolite crystal is violet-blue.

Since it is the most demanding one, you can expect to pay a far heavier price for this gem than others.

Most of the expensive color Iolites will have a perfect cut on them and they will often have a deeper color all around.

That will be a sign that the gemstone is indeed pure and expensive. It is easier to catch a lower quality Iolite since they will have poor cuts and appear very dark.

The darker shade will hide the original color, and the poor cut on the gem is a clear sign that it is a cheaper model compared to the large and medium Iolite you know.

Is Iolite expensive?

One of the most searched questions about any gemstone is if it is expensive? In reality, most of them are.

Since the rising of popularity will tend to raise demand for the gemstone as well. The rising demand may not always meet with a high amount of supply.

When that happens, gemstones prices go up compared to the average price tag. If the demand is high and the supply meets up with the demand then you can expect to face a far more affordable price on the gems.

Iolite is no different than other gems, since they are very high in demand, they are found in almost every part of the world.

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Supply Of Iolite And Its Price

The supply of Iolite matches the demand. So you can expect to find Iolite at a far cheaper price tag compared to other gemstones in the market.

Every gemstone has an expensive side to them. While the common Iolites can easily be found online and from your local stones. But what is harder to find is the size of Iolite. Iolite that weighs over 5 carats is going to be much harder to find.

Finding Iolite that is over that 5-carat number will be expensive since it is also considered rare.

It is very difficult to find Iolite that is over one carat in size and has good quality to them. If you are planning to get the version of Iolites then you should look for stones that weigh above 5 carats.

The prices will not be the same, you will need to do some research on this subject and how much you can expect to pay for these stones.

Is Iolite Worth The Cost?

The affordable stones give the impression that they may not be worth as much as one might think. There are the rare sides of things, the same goes for the stone as well.

Finding darker blue to violet-blue Iolite crystals that weigh between one to five characters will fit a price tag of $60 to $80 per carat. If the stone is rarer, if the stone is above 5 to 10 carats, then the price will be set at $100 to $150.

Make sure to stay out of the cheaper ones, as they will not hold any value in the market. Buying from unknown sources or from a website that does not have any decent positive reviews is the sign that you will end up with a cheaper Iolite or any other type of gemstone that you are planning to buy.

The clarity of premium gemstones will speak for itself at the first glance. One can easily be able to tell whether the gemstone is premium or not.

In some places, you might encounter higher prices since Iolite is also seen as an immune booster stone.

It is believed that Iolite crystals can help stabilize the human mind to stop the effects of overindulging.

There are several articles that have been written about the healing properties iolite shares and its strength on the physical aspect of the body.

The spiritual properties are one of the reasons why they are so popular amongst different demographics of people. The spiritual value will always outshine the physical properties of the gem. So you might encounter higher prices for Iolite compared to other regions.


Compared to other gems, Iolite is far more affordable as long as you keep the number of caret down to one or two. The higher you go down this ladder, the premium the price point you will be facing when you are looking for Iolite. Since Iolite is considered to have spiritual properties, the cost will not be the same in all places. If your local store is charging too much for little, you can take a look online for better pricing. Find a reputable seller for the store so you will have a good production hand.