How Much Does Ammolite Cost?

From the fossilized shell of an ammonite, the extinct sea creature, the gem-quality material ammolite is cut and it is also the rarest gemstone of the world.

The Ammolite is iridescent and rare. Ammolite is desired for assembling pieces of jewelry and freeform natural cabochons. This organic gemstone has a wide range of patterns and colors and it is found only in Canada and Southern Albert in the Bearpaw formation.

The cost of Ammolite has been appreciated nowadays because of its rapidly diminishing supply. As an investment, Ammolite buying is in demand by many people.

How Much Does Ammolite Cost?

$6.75 to $26.95 per carat plus is the approximate cost of Ammolite. The cost of Ammolite is influenced by some quality factors such as clarity, carat weight, cut, and color. $50 to $500 is the cost of ammolite pieces of jewelry. The cost may be very tremendous in case of buying a real ammonite fossil. $10 may be the cost of a low-quality piece. The cost of a large Ammolite with beautiful iridescence is maybe $50,000.

Colors of Ammolite

Ammolites with a high grade have come with either a very bright, strong, range of bright colors or single colors. These rare gems have a rainbow color and sometimes they have more than that. A more limited range of vibrant colors is seen in low-grade Ammolites.

As compared to purple or blue, green and red are the more common colors of this gem. Some particular hues like violet, gold, and crimson are high in demand and rare.

Patterns of Ammolite

Ammolite has striking patterns of healed colors and fractures. These have a huge range of names. Such as –

  • Dragonskin – scales – a 50*34mm dragonskin ammolite costs $108 on Etsy online store
  • Tinfoil – crinkle-stacked, bright pattern –   
  • Stained glass – window panes
  • Floral – flower petals
  • Cobblestone – uneven and regular rows
  • Feather – tendrils
  • Ribbon – thin and long pattern – a 36*28*4.5mm rainbow ammolite costs $108 on Etsy
  • Paintbrush – broad strokes
  • Suture gem – leaf or suture pattern
  • Sunset – landscape scenes in red-tinged
  • Moonglow – dichromatic or mono, inner glow
  • Lava river – red with green rivers of lava
  • Pinfire – changing flash with small plates
  • Christmas tree – red with green ornaments

Identifying characteristics of Ammolite


To create an incredible color on the surface of ammolite, iridescence takes the main role. Tabular and closely-packed crystals of aragonite with a c-axis vertically oriented shell surface are composed of the gem-quality fossil shell of the surface.

Thin scales or plates are formed by them. The spectral color’s wavelength of the white light is similar to the aragonite thickness.

There is diffraction that occurs on the thin layer of aragonite when there is an entry of white light into the regular space. After that spectral colors and flashes are visible.

The aragonite plates are very thick in the case of red gems and thin plates of green gems. The blue gems have very thin stacks.

Chromatic shift

The viewer’s perspective and angle of light are the influencing elements for the color of Ammolite. The chromatic shift occurs sometimes and it could be dramatic or subtle.

In monochromatic shifts, the green will shift to blue, red will shift to green, and there are restrictions between the same primary color group.

In spectro-chromatic shift, depending upon the angle of observation and light source, there will be a shift through the whole spectrum.  

Rotational range

There will be no vibrant or strong colors that occur through the rotation of 360 degrees in some materials.

Black color occurs due to a decrease in brightness when the rotation happens in these stones. This process occurs while the light wave diffraction is blocked by the aragonite of the organic inclusion. A 360-degree rotation through the brilliant color occurs in a high-grade gemstone.


Only in the Bearpaw formation, ammolite can be found. In Southern Alberts’s rocky mountain on the eastern slope of the high-energy river system, the best quality gems are found. 

St. Mary river of Southern Alberta is just one area from which the yield of Ammolite in a commercial quantity is found.

The Bearpaw sea

The Western interior seaway was known as the Bearpaw sea of the northwestern edge. Life has seemed in the warm and shallow body of water.

Ammonite was one of the most prolific inhabitants that were seen in it. Big brains were present in the ammonites and every ecological niche open to this creature.

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Guideline for care Ammolite

You should use triplets for rings and naturals for earrings, brooches, and pendants. You have to take the same care of the ammolite naturals as pearls.

Steam cleaners and ultrasonic mechanical systems are not recommended for this gem. With soapy and warm water, a brush should be used for cleaning these materials.

For their casual loss of iridescence and damage, excessive acids, heat, and perfumes are responsible. Through an ultrasonic system, you should clean the triplets.

Valuation elements of Ammolite


The grade is an important element that can be impacting the cost of ammolite. The higher to lower grade range is AA, A+, A, and A-. AAA grade is given by some companies to the high-quality Ammolites. AA and A+ grades Ammmolites are used in jewelry making.


In the case of the valuation of an Ammolite, another key factor is size. The cost will be higher if there will be more gem grade or a large Ammolite on a fossil or an art piece. The cut of Ammolite is very thin like a human nail.

Paleontologic features:

Those Ammolites are more valuable which are featured by paleontologic and unique fossils, jewelry, and art pieces.

The outside of the creature is sometimes covered by suture lines of complex patterns. The Ammonites fossilized shell and suture pattern will be seen in the Ammolite’s color and this type of Ammolite is rare and expensive. 


The uniqueness and stunning beauty of ammolite are remarkable. Due to their appeal to investors and connoisseurs, the ammonite factory offers investment in Ammolite. The possibility of return on investment and its amazing aesthetics makes the gem more appreciable.

Ammolites are used for relieving trauma, increasing stamina, and medicinal use for connection with past lives. The gemstones are for prosperity, luck, helping to alleviate exhaustion and depression, and well-being.

This is an ideal gemstone for re-opening the chakra and removing blocking chakras. There is a broad discussion about the cost, use, color, pattern, care guidelines, and how to identify the real Ammolite in the above article. Hope this will clear all the doubts in your mind and help you in buying an Ammolite gemstone