How Much Does Airplane Fuel Cost?

In many people’s lives, filling up the car is one of the most expensive parts of their life. But the price tag that comes with filling up a car is nothing compared to an airplane.

Fuel prices from one location to another can approximate cost around $20000. The return trip is even much more expensive.

If you want to know the details of the fuel price on an airplane, then this article will provide you with all the necessary information regarding this topic.

The amount of fuel airliner needs will reflect on the cost. The cost will depend on many factors such as aircraft type, weight, and direction of travel. For example, a trip from Los Angeles International to Tokyo Narita will require 9,500 gallons of jet fuel that will cost around $19,190. A trip from New York JFK to Los Angeles International will use 5,325 gallons of jet fuel; the estimated price tag on that much fuel will be around $10,757.

As you can see, the price rather depends on the trip itself. The return to New York from Los Angeles will use slightly less fuel at 5,075 gallons, costing around $10,252.

At the same time, the price can even fall under $4000, a flight from Chicago O’Hare to Miami International will require an estimated 2,350 gallons of fuel, round up to $4,747.

The costs will differ depending on the travel destination.

The airplane’s fuel consumption, size of the plane, seller price, current fuel price, and many other factors play a role in setting the right price for fuel.

The shift in oil prices will often influence every corner of the world, including airliners, as they will have to look for a new way to make money without slinging a lot.

On That article will also focus on how airliners save money during any oil crisis in the world or any political upheaval changing the cost of fuel.

How do Airliners purchase fuel?

Many car owners drive around to see the best and cheapest gas prices for their cars. But when it comes to airlines, it is not that simple.

Airports have different contracts; it is the job of these contractors to supply an airport with the fuel they require to run their activities.

The United States burns through 17 billion gallons of jet fuel annually. 

The number of usages remained consistent over the years. Now the machines implemented in airlines are more sophisticated and fuel-efficient than ever before.

The implementation of new technologies has made the airlines more proficient as they can now fly more miles without burning too much fuel.

Do the prices for airplane fuel change?

Disruption in oil supply will alter the price for the fuel to the airlines. Something as minor as this can influence gasoline prices.

People don’t know that the same changes will impact fuel prices as well. The fluctuation in jet fuel prices will shake the ticket prices. If the airlines experience any hike in fuel prices, people will soon see the changes in their ticket prices.

But the changes that will get made to the ticket prices will not be done immediately. It will take a six-month lag to make any changes to the price details of tickets.

The changes to fuel price can happen from natural disasters to political upheaval, or any disruption in oil supply can change the fuel cost.

All of these elements will also influence the prices of gasoline. We have seen in the past that this is the case for the rise of gasoline. The same lament plays for fuel prices as well.

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How do airliners save money during a fuel crisis?

The options available for people are a lot when getting gas for their car. Most of the options end up being more affordable for people, as they immediately choose the option that saves a lot of money on gas.

Airliners also have the same line of preparation when facing the prices.

The plan they follow saves them from paying too much in exchange for fuel to their dealers. At the same time, this option also has its fair share of benefits, and non-benefits lie within it.

There is a deal that saves a lot of money for the airliners. If the fuel prices rise by a lot, it will badly affect the planes. As they will have to resort to a hike in other prices to meet the fuel price demand.

Luckily, here airliners use call options. A call option is an agreed price before a particular date. This works as an insurance policy for airplanes.

They sign a nonbinding agreement with a seller if they see a rise in fuel prices.

The strategy of call options has significant benefits for the airliners but at the same time, the airplane can lose money if the price of the fuel drops below the agreed amount between sellers. When the value of fuel prices drops, this will result in airlines buying fuel for a higher price.


It is much easier for people to get gas for their cars at low prices than big airliners finding new ways to implement systems that make airplanes more fuel-efficient and save money on fuel. They do pay a heavy fee on the fuel exchange; fuel prices are never consistent; this makes the airliners think of new ways to ensure that they get the amount of fuel needed for the airplane without paying too much in return. Compared to airplane from the past, now they are more resilient and save more fuel during transportation.