How Much Does a Wolf Tattoo Cost?

One of the trendy tattoo designs is wolves. They are popular and signify a huge array of meanings to different people.

The sheer meaning and the integrity of the look make the wolf tattoo appeals to a large group of people.

It is a wonderful way to display strength, family loyalty, and evolution to the pack. However, several hidden meanings are part of wolves.

If you are planning to get a wolf tattoo but don’t know anything about it, this piece of article will just help you figure out what you need to know about wolf tattoos and the cost that you might be encounter.

How Much Does a Wolf Tattoo Cost?

It will take an hour or two to get a small wolf tattoo on the forearm or shoulder.

The lowest price tag for a wolf tattoo will go for as little as $200. However, once you move up the ladder with a more complicated design pattern that shows more emotion on the wolf, the price will easily reach $1000 or more.

Some people have paid more than thousands of dollars on a wolf tattoo. The artist’s rendition is what sells the tattoo on its quality.

It can be tough to find the right artist who understands what you want from the wolf. Finding a perfect artist, size of the tattoo, location of the tattoo shop, and many more factors will play into deciding the final price for a wolf tattoo, as well as for others Tattoos Cost.

What Affects the Price of Wolf Tattoos?

The prices here will not be the same as many artists will have their own design and pattern that they have known or praised; the price factor will take all of that into account to set the right cost at the end.

Large wolf tattoos will need a lot of man-hours to get to the perfection stage.

It will not be easy for any small-time tattoo artist to pull up a big wolf tattoo design and all outfits patterns, emotions, and other crucial details into reality. 

Wolf Tattoos Price By Sizes

A smaller size wolf tattoo will cost between $50 to $150.

If you’re going medium or large, the money will reach upwards of $300 to $400.

The price factor will change spending on the qualification of the artist and the location. If the artist provides a hygienic area with complete detail of all the tools that will be used in the process with much better transparency, then be prepared to pay a bit more than average.

You will need to get a professional who understands the consumer and what they want to show on the tattoo.

For many people who decide to do tattoos on their bodies, the design means a lot more to them.

If you are going for a larger size wolf, it is highly recommended that you pay the price.

Professional tattoo artists will have the kindle and experience to pull a great tattoo with all its crucial details intact on the wolf. Since the tattoo will last forever on your body, it is better to start with the best.

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Why are wolf tattoos so popular?

Many people who animals inspire tend to get animal design tattoos. Wolfs are one of the most popular tattoos for men.

There are also plenty of hidden meanings of wolves that leave a beautiful message to people. The deep meaning makes the wolf tattoo one of the popular tattoo styles in the current market.

Being popular also allows for various types of art or form of the tattoo to be available to try out.

Since many people have chosen wolves, you will have access to a long list of wolf tattoos with unique designs with a genuine look.

The more complicated the design, the higher the money you will pay in return.

There are a handful of wolf tattoos that feature complicated painstaking designs.

A simple glance will reveal the amount of work needed to make those tattoos enter the realm of reality.

What does a wolf tattoo really mean?

Wolves are known for their loyalty to the pack, the sheer amount of loyalty they display towards each other is admirable.

Wolf tattoo is more to do with that factor of wolves.

Wolves are seen as assigned for loyalty towards family members. Different colors of wolf tattoos have meanings separate from other colors.

In general, wolves are said to be loyal to their own family members. Media portrayal of wolves also shows pride among these creatures and loyalty to the group leader. These are some of the elements of the wolves that touch human emotion.

Some people will have different views on the world and how it affects them.

Connecting to a creature that represents them or wants to be more like them are some of the reasons why wolves hold the title of one of the popular tattoos to make in the world, different colors adds new meaning to the tattoo, some people might not get it at the first glance or may not know what they are about, but t a person the color of the tattoo a mean so many different things.

A blue-eyed wolf tattoo is portrayed as an enigmatic creature, but in nature, the appearance of wolves shares a different imagination.

While some people prefer blue-eyed wolves, they only have a shade of yellow or amber on their eyes in nature. In the media culture, wolves with blue eyes are seen as mysterious creatures that live beyond human existence.

How do people see wolf tattoos?

There is no need to be ashamed about wolf tattoos since it is considered one of the most popular tattoos for men.

People who are into animals and want to adapt their way of living a life tend to go for animal ink. They are full of meaning and look breathtaking in appearance. The message it sends all relates to loyalty, family, and believing in unity.


While the cheaper variation of wolves tattoos can come in the numbers of $50 to $100. You need to spend over that amount if you are planning to get anything decent ink on you. If the size is medium, then the cost will be upwards of $200. That number doesn’t include the artist’s price and tips afterward. Once you consider all the expenses related to tattoo making and maintenance afterward, you will have a pretty solid idea to set up a perfect budget for it.