How Much Does a Red-Bellied Parrot Cost?

Commonly found in Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopia, Red-Bellied Parrot is a robust parrot with a particular coloration that is what makes these birds appealing to so many people. 

The price also reflects on the internet on people. If you’re planning to get one for your own, there is information that will come in very handy in helping you make the decision in the end.

The behavioral nature of the Red-bellied parrot is attractive to the social environment. Plenty of owners let their parrots mingle with all the other family members.

How Much Does a Red-Bellied Parrot Cost?

The purchasing cost for a red-bellied parrot will go from $400 to $600. The price will depend on various factors that will play a role in setting up the final price. There are no other options that will guarantee you to get the bird for a cheaper price.

But always be skeptical of those listings. As they will have plenty of problems that may not be seen at first glance. But they will be very prominent later on.

Before thinking about spending $600 on a bird, make sure you have a clear vision of this deal. Whether you want the bid or not. There is no going back after it, if you are not sure then you can move to other animals.

Another Thing that you should pay attention to is the maintenance, they will also play a huge role in setting up the maintenance at the cost of the bird every day.

It is not going to be easy for a newcomer to take on a huge responsibility to maintain the bird on a regular basis. Having some experience will certainly be very helpful.

Since pet experience translates well with forms of pets. The last thing you need to know is the breeder. If you are getting the bird from a reputable breeder, then you will have a healthy bird with all the records to prove the vaccination and other form of medical testing.

Another thing that is great about picking the bird or a reputable breeder is the friendly nature of the bird. The care and attention the bird has received from the breeder will translate well into adulthood.

Make sure to stay clear from the cheap listing, as there will be plenty on the internet. They Will be from a low-end breeder that will provide you with any details of the bird, let alone giving you the real thing.


Creating a home environment for the parrot

Red-Bellied Parrot are known for their jocund personality. This is one of the reasons why these birds fetch high prices in the market.

Keeping an exotic animal will come with its own fair share of responsibilities that will need to be taken seriously for the animal to live a happy life.

It is far easier for a bird to get sick since the year depends on their environment and food. If the owner fails to provide any one of them then they will soon see the health of the bird deteriorating at a much faster rate without giving any clue. It is rather important for the owner to provide the parrot what they need first.

When people get a new breed they tend to forget all the other costs associated with it. But they are investable and stay clear of the initial purchase.

While the initial purchase depends on the owner. The cost of maintaining the animal will have its expenses attached to it. If you are completely new to this world, then you need to spend some time getting all the information about the animal and the cost of living. Only then will you be ready to take on the challenges that come with bird-keeping.

Red-Bellied Parrot cost

Cage cost Red-Bellied Parrot

Normally here people go for a 18x18x24 inches cage, this will provide a moderate amount of space for two perches.

Getting an outdoor cage will provide the animal a breath of fresh air so they will stay close to the natural environment.

You Can either build the cages or buy them straight from the market. It will cost you around $100 to $200, depending on the material that was used to create the cage and the other assemblies that come with it.

If you want the cage to have all the high-quality accessories, then you will pay more for the cage.

But it is really important to get the cage that meets the requirements of the bird. Make sure it has enough space for them to move around without getting involved in any sort of limitations.

You Can add accessories manually if you decide to get a pe built one. They are far more convenient and require you to invest less money in them.

These parrots are not that too demanding when it comes to the right temperature. Unlike other parrots, Red-bellied parrots will do one to the average room temperature.

Diet cost

The diet plan for red-bellied parrots mostly consists of vegetables, fruits, seeds, and a pelleted diet to meet their appetite.

Make sure to provide them a decent amount of meal every day, going overboard will have its fair share of the price that the bird will pay later in its life. It is always better to keep everything under control. That includes the diet requirement of these birds. Some may have the misconception that feeding them with more will make them grow at a faster rate. But that is nonsense.

You can only feed them the veggies, and fruits, they are the best choice of food for these animals. Make sure the veggies and any sort of fruits that you are planning to add are fresh. So they will get better benefits without losing the value in the food.

Grooming cost

This bird is very attractive, to maintain the looking qualities of this bird you will need to spend some time looking into its beauty. You can do the grooming by yourself to preserve the beauty of the bird without spending a nickel in return. If the task is too heavy for you then you can take it to a groomer, where you will pay $20 to $40 to meet all the grooming needs of this bird.

Health-related cost For Red-Bellied Parrot

Red-bellied birds are known to have Psittacosis, psittacine beak, aspergillosis, feather disease, and calcium deficiency.

These are the most common diseases for these birds. You will need to check up on a professional veterinarian to look into any problem they might have in their body. It can be very difficult to tell from a normal eye. Plenty of people think it is better off to not take the parrot to a vet, but the opposite is true. Some of the problems have the ability to hide in plain sight.

Only a vet has the knowledge to tell the problem and help the bird go through a proper examination to eliminate the symptoms as fast as possible. Or this can grow to be big and spread to other regions of the body.

The routine check-up will cost you around $60 to $75 the price will differ depending on the area you live in.

A professional vet is the one you need in times of problem. If they are being fed well or kept in the right place, then they will show symptoms of their behavior and other forms of activities.

You will see them becoming less social and more distressed about their behavior.

Accessories cost For Red-Bellied Parrot

One of the best ways to maintain the mental health of the bird is by adding toys and accessories. If the pet is brand new, then it will take a long time to fit in the new home.

This will take time for them to adapt to the new environment and feel like they are in a new house. Adding toys and accessories will make the porches go faster. And they will have something to engage in.

Soon they will not be able to live without the toys. Toys will do a fantastic job in distracting them from other problems, and they will live happily in the cage playing with them for a long time without getting tired.

Getting accessories will make their stay in the cage more fun. As they will swing around, use branches to play with and other accessories to make the living space more fun and enjoyable.

Getting the toys will cost you around $20 to $25, and accessories will go somewhere up to $50 depending on how much you would like to add to their living space.


Red-bellied parrots are one of the most attractive-looking parrots in the world. The beautiful plumage they have on their body will require them to take regular baths. Make sure to help the grooming for them to keep their beauty. The regular matinee is another key component that most people are not really aware of but they will come in handy in preserving their beauty. But it is recommended to gain some experience prior to spending money on an exotic bird.