How Much Does a Gouldian Finch Cost

These tiny creatures pack a striking color to stand out amongst the rest of the birds in the world. They are three variations of these birds, each having a unique color on the head.

Gouldian’s appearance is what attracts most people to these birds. The attractive coloration is what makes them one of the best-looking birds in the world. They are also called sing birds, they mostly prefer to sing complicated songs that don’t go too loud and unpleasant territory. The beauty of the bird is what sells in the market.

How Much Does a Gouldian Finch Cost?

The purchasing cost for the Gouldian Finch is around $175 to $500. They are one of the most demanded pets globally as they are delighted to watch and be heard. The price, on the other hand will always be under $500. Countless listings will help you get the bird for that price bracket. Anything lower than the average, you should avoid at any cost.

As there are things attached to the bird that could lead to huge expenses in the future. Some people might appear to get the bird for a lower price but the price you pay in the future will far supersede the initial price.

Make sure to get the bird from a reputable breeder to not have to deal with any of the problems in the future.

Medical expenses are one of the reasons why people mostly prefer getting the animal from a reputable breeder. As they would have taken care of these problems so you will get the best healthy bird without getting worried about anything.

There are various listings that will offer you a Gouldian for a low price tag of $100 or less, mostly these websites will scam or give you a proper quality Gouldian without any medical records.

That means you will have to take it to the vet and find out the bird’s medication and pay the cost here.

This will significantly raise the amount of even higher numbers. If you want to get the best healthy Gouldian, then you will need to contact your local reputable breeder or seek online.

The price range falls in the range of $400 to $500. Then you can be sure you are getting a legitimate bird without any major health problems. The price doesn’t include the maintenance cost.

The cost of keeping a Gouldian Finch

For better care of Gouldian, you will need to have experienced prior to getting this bird. The maintenance charge almost stays the same with most of the birds.

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So if you’re a newcomer to taking care of the bird you are in huge trouble if you don’t do your research. There are plenty of things that will become very useful and help your bird stay healthy for a long time.

The maintenance cost will be worth the effort, as it will make the environment perfect for the new bird to fit right in without any issue.

The initial charge depends on the owner’s choice of bird and the source. The cost of maintenance will be integral in getting a bird.

The maintenance charge must be paid every day to ensure the bird lives in proper hygienic condition and gets a proper meal to live a healthy life.

Many times not giving the animal proper care leads to various types of disease and illness in the body.

It also takes a toll on the social behavior of these birds. That is why the birds need to live in a cleaner and friendlier environment.

It is important how much you spend on the maintenance aspect of bird keeping. People do spend a lot of money, but going overboard isn’t necessary as long as you provide decent products to the bird.

Diet plan cost

Gouldians love fruits such as cherries, apples, grapes, and vegetables like parsley dandelion; they also prefer fruit flies and crickets.

In their breeding time, they will need it. The high amount of protein content in their regular diet. They will also need calcium-required food to strengthen their cuttlebone.

It is also necessary to give them fresh drinking water so they won’t catch diseases. 

Good quality bird food will come in between $15 to $30. They will have a great number of nutrients and protein to give the bird what it will need to survive. However, the cheapest food will make the bird more obese and gain the risk of health disease later in their life. This is why you should avoid getting any sort of cheap food for the bird. As it carries huge consequences at a later point in their life.

Vet charges

 With proper care, Gouldian can live up to 8 years, maintaining proper health will be the key to achieve a life span of 8 years.

This requires a routine vet visit for the bird for proper care. Many diseases can crawl into the bird’s lives, and a small air-sac infection to coccidiosis.

These problems and conditions will take a heavy toll on the lives of the Gouldian bird. Diseases like these are a very common occurrence in Gouldian. Certain symptoms and conditions can be stopped with proper care and diet.

Getting the information at the right time will make huge differences in the lives of these birds. This is where Vet visit plays its biggest role in bringing you the test result of the check-up.

The information within the details will let you know about every health condition and details about the bird. So you will take proper steps to stop the spread of the symptoms and fix it at the right time.

Certain symptoms will reduce movement, fatigue, lack of internet, food consumption, and many more problems. So it is better to take the steps when it is required instead of making any sort of delay. Or it will have negative consequences later in the life of the bird.

Cage cost

Getting a cage is highly important and the cage needs to have special features to make sure the bird is having a good time in it.

It is essential for the cage to have enough space for the bird to move around and freely carry out their daily activity without restriction.

Adding more stuff such as toys and accessories will help them get engaged in the environment. So they will be less likely to show any aggressive behavioral pattern.

Which is very common in any animal that doesn’t get properly adapted to the new house.

Buying a cage might be a better idea if you don’t want to go through the trouble of building it. It will cost you around $100 to $300 based on the size of the cage.

Most of the cage that comes in the price range of $100 is made of decent material that can take the abuse from the bird without taking damage. So you can rest assured about the quality of the product you will get with the money. Filling it up with accessories will give the birds plenty of more fun activities.

Since the bird’s color will match their personality, keeping them in a good mood might be the best way to deal with these creatures. Since they live in a group, it can be very stressful for them to make the transaction to a new place. This is why the accessories and toys around them will play a huge role in keeping them less stressed and increasing their capacity to fight against the disease. You can use other animals to make the palace look and feel friendlier to the birds.

Grooming expenses

When it comes to grooming-related activities, you can either take control of that by doing it yourself or give the work to the vet to do it. Normally you will need to get a nail clipper to take care of the overgrown nails, and a splash of water to clean them up properly.

A professional groomer will take $20 to $40 to carry out all the grooming-related work. You can save up plenty of money by doing all that yourself. As you don’t have to do most of the grooming stuff on a regular basis, a weekly routine will do fine. This will keep them in a pleasant temperament and act very social in nature.


Make sure to check your breeder and see how they handle the pets. This will determine the investment they have made in the bird. If they have higher price listings then you should seek out a better deal. As many different online websites will help you seek out what you need for a low price. After the initial prices come the price of maintenance. Which should be paid on a regular basis to keep the bird healthy and better. So it will be less likely to face any serious diseases later on in its life.